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Mysterious Dance In Orange, Gold, White In Joy 3" Button


Mystical abstract fractal with pairs of orange curls emerging from nothingness. These spirals coil from the center and out to infinity, with lots of bright orange spikes that that each attach to a glowing white ball. Hints of gold sparkle the orange spirals. Each bright white bubble has other orange spirals emerging outward ... repeating infinite times. The deep black background brings all the orange, white and gold into sharp relief. These circles and spirals give the effect of flowers.

Product Details

Buttons are perfect for every occasions! Our buttons are high quality mylar protecting cover buttons. They measure 3" in diameter, metal shell, safety pin plastic backs.

Important: In order to get a perfect finished buttons, please leave room for a bleed if with background. A bleed is where the background images go off the button about 1/4 inch, in order to keep all text and images inside the button, and also leave an extra 1/4" outside the area. This will bleed off and be flipped under the mylar cover.


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